363 [Preghiere-Poesie]
del Poeta Luigi Ederle

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Preghiere del Cristiano

Monasteri in Italia
Santuari, Monasteri, Abbazie.

Aiutiamo i bambini in Africa

Ricordiamo i nostri defunti

The Vatican
From then neither he neither its successory ones they wanted more to leave that residence, until note to the proclamation in 1929 of the Vatican City, one Be situated in the territory of common of Rome, but independent from Italy and the place totally under the authority of the Pope. With the agreed one of 1929 the Italian government was engaged also to finance the clergy periodically and to strongly pour one sum of money for risarcire the Church of the territorial losses; the Catholicism came recognized moreover like the single religion of the State, while the Church, from the song its, recognized the legittimità of the Reign of Italy and Rome which its understood them. The agreed one of 1929 has been modified with a successive agreement between the Church and the Italian government in 1984. In the new treaty the catholic religion more is not recognized which "state religion", on the base of the principle that all the churches are equal and ognuna of they it can be organized and carry out the own work liberations, in the within of the enforced laws. With the new agreement, moreover, the instruction of the religion in the Italian school is not more obligatory, but every student is free to follow or less the lessons than religione.È be also abolished the financing be them to the catholic church: dal1984 the economic support to the activities of the clergy is entrusted to the voluntary donations of the faithfuls. Il Vatican is one of the smallest states of the world: its territory extends less in order than half square kilometer (0,44 km2, for the precisione)ed is inhabited gives approximately 800 persons, of which half with citizenship Vatican and half in possession of other citizenship.

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