363 [Preghiere-Poesie]
del Poeta Luigi Ederle

[A-F] - [G-M]

[N-R] - [S-Z]

Preghiere del Cristiano

Monasteri in Italia
Santuari, Monasteri, Abbazie.

Aiutiamo i bambini in Africa

Ricordiamo i nostri defunti

The Pope
The Pope of Rome is, second the catholic doctrine, the legitimate successor of Peter and the head of the episcopal college. It is the holder of the ecclesiastical mastery and he alone exercises it or with the bishops in ecumenico Concilio; in particular it is infallible when he defines former cathedra truth essential approximately the faith and the moral. In the exercise of its power the Pope is coadiuvato from the college of the cardinals and the roman Curia. The Code of canonical right defines Pope supreme Organo of the potestą of jurisdiction and in he the powers add legislative, executive and administrative; object of its jurisdiction is: the faith, the customs and the ecclesiastical discipline; its jurisdiction extends to all the single churches, all the ecclesiastical hierarchy and all the faithfuls.

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